Advanced features
• Certificate Information - View certificate information.
Press the Return soft key at any time while you customize the phone
using the Local Diagnostics submenu options to return to the previous
Local Diagnostics submenu. You can gather information and run tests
without exiting and re-entering the Local Tools menu. For example, you
can check the Ethernet Statistics, and then press Return to enter the
Network Diagnostics Tools to ping an IP address.
3. Network Configuration
The Network Configuration tool displays information that was configured
when you installed the IP Deskphone. This tool is for administrator use
4. Lock Menu
Your system administrator can use the lock menu tool to protect the Local
Tools menu items from accidental or unwanted changes. This tool is for
administrator use only.
Using Virtual Office
Use the Virtual Office feature to transfer calls and office IP Deskphone
settings to a remote IP Deskphone. You can use the remote IP
Deskphone as if it were your office Phone when you are out of the office.
You can use another IP Deskphone (the remote phone) to log on to your
Office IP Deskphone. After you log on, you can access the DNs, and
autodial numbers, and you have the same key layout, and voice mail
features that are configured on your home or office IP Deskphone.
Use the following procedure to use Virtual Office, you need your DN and
a preconfigured SCPW. You must activate Virtual Office on your Office
phone before you can connect to it from a remote phone. See “Logging in
to Virtual Office” on page 67.
Local Diagnostics, Network Configuration,
and Lock Menu tools are for the system
administrator use only.