AT&T 944 Telephone User Manual

Centrex Service: A special subscriber service which may be available
from your local telephone company for a fee. The 944 telephone can be
used with Centrex Service.
DND: When activated the Do Not Disturb feature prevents interruptions
during a call.
Line Group: A group of system phones sharing some lines within a
multi-phone system.
Navigation buttons: These are the buttons used when programming
your 944 phone and for scrolling through feature options (+, -, >, <,
E, S).
Phone System: Two or more 944/955/964 phones combined into an
interacting system of shared lines. You can have up to 12 phones and
up to 15 telephone lines in the system.
Prime Line: This is the line on your phone you designate to be selected
automatically when you lift the handset, press K, or press h.
System Phone: Any 944, 955 or 964 phone in your phone system.