AT&T 5845 Cordless Telephone User Manual

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About Mailboxes
This answe ring system has three voice mailboxe s. C a l l e rs using a t o u ch
t o n e phone can select the mailbox in which their messages will be
re c o rd e d by pressing , ,or . All other messages will be re c o rded
in Mailbox 1.
About Announcements
You can re c o rd up to two diffe rent a n n o u n c e m e n t s — one fo r
n o rmal answe ring and one for when yo u ’ve set the system to play
the announcement only.
Use normal answe ring when you want the system to re c o r d callers ’
m e s s age s . Use Announce Only when you want to gi ve info rmation
to callers without accepting message s .
If you choose not to re c o rd an announcement,the system answe rs
with a pre - re c o rded announcement.
The normal answe ring pre - re c o rded announcement say s : “ H e l l o.
Please leave a message after the tone.” The Announce Only
p re - re c o rded announcement say s : “ We ’ re sorry, m e s s a ges to this
number cannot be accep t e d .
By setting Announce Only to on or off, you decide which
announcement your callers will hear when the system answe rs a
call (the system comes set for normal answe ri n g ,with Announce
O n ly turned off ) . See “ C h a n ge announce only ”on page 55 to
ch a n ge your announcement selection.
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