Telephone Operation
Intercom calls & conference calls
Intercom calls
Press the INTER button at the cordless handset or at
the base. A paging beep will sound at the other station.
To answer an intercom page at the cordless handset,
press INTER. At the base, lift the handset or press
To end an intercom call at the cordless handset, press
OFF. To end an intercom call at the base, replace the
handset or press INTER.
Handling incoming calls
If you receive an outside call while using the intercom,
the phone will ring and the intercom call will be
terminated automatically.
• At the cordless handset: Press any key except OFF
to answer the outside call.
• At the base:
Lift the handset (or press
PHONE) to answer the outside call.
3-way conference calls
During a call, someone at another station (base or cord-
less handset) can join in the conversation.
• At the cordless handset:
PHONE to join a con-
versation begun at the base.
• At the base: Lift the handset (or press SPEAKER-
PHONE) to join a conversation begun at the cordless
To page the other set during a call, press HOLD, then
press INTER to establish an intercom call. The other
party can join the outside call by pressing PHONE or
SPEAKERPHONE as described above. (This will
terminate the intercom call.)
Press INTER to page handset
Press INTER to page base
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