
Quick Installation Guide IPF-3000
VII. NAT and Firewall
If this phone locates within a local area network and you want to place a call to public
internet, you must configure your phone to traverse the NAT and firewall currently behind.
1. To determine whether you resides on public internet or local area network
z Main Menu=>8.Advanced/4.System status or press F7(default is
“Network info”).
z Go to 1.Network and use【+】and【-】to navigate active network configuration:
host IP, MAC address, active primary DNS IP and optional secondary DNS IP (In that
z If your host IP is within any of the listed ranges, then your IPF-3000 resides on LAN,
otherwise, it locates on public internet.
i. ~ (10.xxx.xxx.xxx).
ii. ~ (172.16.xxx.xxx ~ 172.31.xxx.xxx).
iii. ~ (192.168.xxx.xxx).
Note: if your host IP is, you should reconfigure your network to acquire a valid IP.
2. Public Internet Configuration
z Main Menu=>6.Network/4.NAT & firewall/2.UDP traversal
z Enable “1.Full access” by press HOLD
3. LAN Configuration to Traverse NAT/Firewall
There are basically 2 options for CPE to traverse NAT/Firewall:
(a) Option 1: Set up a static route in the NAT gateway (Recommend)
(b) Option 2: Use STUN to measure out ports.
Please adopt suitable option based on your network configuration.
Note: some SIP ISPs may provide SIP-aware router (NAT/Firewall) for their customers.
When you use a SIP-aware router, NAT detection should be set to "Off" as if you
were on the public internet and the configuration is the same as “Public Internet
Configuration”: 6.Network/4.NAT & firewall/2.UDP traversal/1.Full
access, which is to say that you do not have to worry about the NAT, nor firewall.
4. Option-1: Contact your network administrator to configure your NAT/Firewall route.
z Contact your network administrator and acquire at least 7 consecutive UDP ports
mapped from the NAT to your IPF-3000.
For example:
i. NAT IP = (you may detect your NAT IP by STUN from Main
Menu=>6.Network/4.NAT & firewall/ 1. STUN/ 2. Diagnose
ii. The network administrator has mapped UDP port 10101~10107 from NAT to
your IPF-3000