Call Pickup Use the Call Pickup feature to answer a call that is ringing on another
There are two types of call pickup:
■ Directed Call Pickup — Allows you to answer a call ringing on the
phone of a specific user. Both you and the other user must be
members of the same Directed Call Pickup group. Each Directed Call
Pickup group is assigned a security code by the administrator. You
must enter this security code when using Directed Call Pickup to
answer a call.
■ Group Call Pickup — Allows you to answer a call ringing on the
phone of any user who is a member of a configured Group Call Pickup
group. A Group Call Pickup group is a collection of phones that allow
each member of the group to answer another member's calls. Your
administrator can also configure a Group Call Pickup group that
allows non-group members to answer a call ringing on a phone in the
If your telephone is part of a bridged extension, see Call Pickup and
Bridged Line Calls for additional information.
Directed Call Pickup To answer a call that is ringing on a specific user’s telephone:
1 Pick up your handset.
2 Press Feature + 455.
The Display Panel prompts you to enter your group security code.
3 Enter the your group security code.
The Display Panel prompts you to enter the extension of the ringing
4 Enter the extension number.
Alternatively for steps 2, 3, and 4, you can enter feature code (455),
group security code, and the extension of the ringing phone in the
following format:
*455*<group code>*<extension>
The call is directed to your telephone.