Configuration Options
July 2000
Configuring the Physical Interfaces
Characteristics for the following physical interfaces can be configured:
H Network Interface
H User Data Port
Configuring the Network Interface
When configuring the physical characteristics for the network interface, select
Physical from the Network menu (see Table 4-5).
Main Menu
Table 4-5. Network Physical Interface Options
Network 1 DSL Line Rate (Kbps)
Possible Settings: AutoRate, 144, 272, 384, 400, 528, 768, 1168, 1552, 2320
Default Setting: AutoRate
Determines whether the rate on the DSL interface is automatically detected using the
Conexant AutoBaud algorithm, or set to a specific value.
144 – 2320 – The DSL line rate is set to the specified value.
AutoRate – The DSL line rate is automatically detected from the DSL interface.
SNR Margin Threshold (dB)
Possible Settings: –5, –4, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Default Setting: 3
Specifies the level at which a Signal to Noise Ratio margin threshold condition is
–5 – 10 – Specifies the threshold level.