About the FrameSaver DSL Unit
July 2000
An advanced SLM and reporting feature set can be activated on command with
the SLV key. In the base configuration, comprehensive Layer 1 and 2
instrumentation allows service providers to isolate, diagnose, and correct
problems remotely from their NOC. FR NSPs can expect fewer truck rolls and
faster service turn-up times. FrameSaver DSL carries forward the end-to-end,
nondisruptive loopback capabilities found in all FrameSaver products, allowing
quick verification of circuit operation from customer premises to customer
premises. Continuity and latency can be verified prior to cutover or any time
When the SLV key is remotely activated, additional historical reporting capabilities
are activated. Service level performance reporting in compliance with FRF.13 is
Since FrameSaver DSL operates with other members of the FrameSaver product
family, DSL, DDS, T1, E1, NxT1 or T3/E3 circuits can be mixed on the same
customer network. This hybrid circuit approach meets the practical needs of the
service providers in advance of 100 percent DSL geographic coverage, and
allows FR NSPs to partner with the most cost efficient access providers for any
Working in concert with the Hotwire GranDSLAM and the Hotwire ATM SDSL
card, quality of service control spans the entire network eliminating the
uncertainty of best effort network designs. CBR, VBR-rt, VBR-nrt, and UBR are
FrameSaver DSL provides all the benefits of world-class diagnostics and SLM
with the cost advantages of DSL access:
H ATM Transport with QoS to insure necessary Quality of Service across the
entire network
H Base configuration provides comprehensive diagnostics and reporting
H Command activated SLV key provides additional service level management
and historical reporting capabilities
H Reduces operational costs through proactive and historical diagnostics
H Nondisruptive, end-to-end diagnostics allow accurate fault isolation and
speedy trouble-ticket closure without customer disruption or LEC
H Software downloadability and adherence to standards protects investments
and reduces life-cycle costs
H Provides conversion between ATM F4/F5 OA&M and Frame Relay LMI