About This Guide
July 2000
Conventions Used
Convention Used When Used
To indicate variable information (e.g.,
Menu selection sequence
To provide an abbreviated method for indicating
the selections to be made from a menu or
selections from within a menu before
performing a procedural step.
For example,
Main Menu
System and Test Status
indicates that you should select Status from the
Main Menu, then select System and Test Status
from the Status menu).
(Path:) To provide a check point that coincides with the
menu path shown at the top of the screen.
Always shown within parentheses so you can
verify that you are referencing the correct table
(e.g., Path: main/config/alarm).
Brackets [ ] To indicate multiple selection choices when
multiple options can be displayed (e.g., Clear
] Statistics).
Text highlighted in red To indicate a hyperlink to additional information
when viewing this manual online. Click on the
highlighted text.