measured in the Scanning mode, though both will be quickly
displayed, the second one may be difficult to register by eye.
Nevertheless all data is recorded and may be recalled (see Data
Recall mode for details.)
Data Recall mode
In Data Recall mode results of the last 10 measurements can be
Measurement results are saved in on-board memory in sets
depending on the parameters set for measuring, for instance, if
only distance is measured - the set will consist of one number, if
distance and azimuth are measured – the set will consist of two
To enter Data Recall mode select rEc from mode menu. First
measurement set number (display name: rEc 1) will start
Pressing M button moves the unit along the list of measurement
set numbers and measurement results:
rEc 1, distance 1, azimuth 1 OR elevation 1,
rEc 2, distance 2, azimuth 2 OR elevation 1, …,
rEc 0, distance 0, azimuth 0 OR elevation 0.
Measurement sets are numbered in reverse order: first recalled
set is the result of the last measurement. If any parameter has not
been actually measured it will not be recalled.