o Distance from meters to yards
o Speed from km/h to mph
rEc – allows data recall of the last 10 measurement results:
o CLr – Clears all measurements
SEt – allows the user to select the following advanced
o FrSt – First Target Measurement
o LASt – Last Target Measurement
o AUtO – Auto Target Measurement
o Reticle – Change reticle from + (cross) to
o CAL – Calibration
CALc – Compass calibration
corr – Accuracy correction of active
measurement parameters
Display Test
1 - in default, the following modes are set: distance in meters,
elevation in degrees, speed is set to km/h (not measured), cross
reticle, most reflective (‘auto’) target selected, no gating.
2 - this option is available only if Speed is selected from the Std
3 - not shown in the menu if currently selected
Accuracy correction
If the System produces any measurement errors that lie beyond
unit specification, it may be an indication that unit requires