surface is more reflective than a rough one. Larger targets reflect
better than small ones. Ranging a target perpendicular to the laser
beam provides better results than the one positioned under a
sharp angle to the beam.
Weather conditions that influence air transparency (rain, fog,
snow, mist) reduce maximum range. Bright sunny days will
reduce performance as well, as IR sun radiation may interfere
with reflected laser impulses.
While the unit will measure through many glass types, measuring
through glass may reduce accuracy.
Natural hand tremor decreases the accuracy of long distance
ranging. Use of a tripod is highly recommended.
Target selection logic
On its way towards the target the laser beam may reflect off
various objects in the atmosphere, thus decreasing ranging
accuracy. The smaller, the farther, and the less reflective is the
target, the higher is the possibility of obtaining an incorrect
To improve accuracy the unit has a built-in target selection logic,
which allows choosing which target to range: the nearest (‘first’),
the farthest (‘last’), or the most reflective (‘auto’).
This mechanism helps selecting the target when ranging from
behind bushes, wires, through falling snow, or in similar
conditions. Similarly it enables ranging a target in front of a
bigger object, such as a wire in front of the wall.