APRIL, 1990
OCC (Other Common Carrier) Code Parameter
If a station is assigned a table with the OCC Flag set,
the system will allow the station to dial 10. To allow
the station to choose a particular carrier the table
assigned must have the 3 digit OCC identification code
entered. This assignment allows only certain OCC
codes to be used by restricted stations.
Code Numbers Parameters
Each of the systems’ 32 tables contain eight entries for
digit entry. Each item can hold an area code (3 digit)
and/or office code (3 digits). Area or office codes to be
restricted are placed in deny tables. Area codes or office
codes to be allowed are placed in alloWablea.
To simplify the understanding of Code Restriction on
the Electra Mark11 system, the discussion will be
divided into the following sub sections:
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
1 + dialing area (prefix dialing)
Direct dialing area (standard dialing)
Equal Access (OCC usage)
Puerto Rico area type dialing
Depending on the area the Electra Mark11
system is installed, one of these four sub
sections should apply.
1 + dialing area (discussion of flow chart)
(refer to flow chart Table 360-2)
First digit dialed
Digit 0: disconnect station
Digit 1: allow second digit (90 to step 3)
Any digit 2-9: If digit is not a rejection code let
user dial two more digits (go to step 2)
Check last 3 digits dialed
Lowest possible table assigned to station which
contains the three digit number as an office
code entry is found.
1. Table is allow: Allow user free dialing
2. Table is deny : Disconnect station
No table is found (Check memory block 3E-4)
1. System Allow: allow user free dialing
2. System Deny : disconnect station
Second digit dialed
Digit 0: (See OCC discussion) ’
Digit 1:
Disconnect station
Any digit 2-9 (go to step 4)
Third digit dialed
Any digit 2-9: Disconnect station
Digit 0 or l&o to step 5)
Step 5.
Step 6.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Fourth digit dialed
Lowest possible table assigned to Station
which contains the last three digits dialed, as
an area code item, is found.
1. Table is allow:
Matched item in table also contains an
office code (go to step 6)
b. Matched item in table has only area
code :
Allow user free dialing
2. Table is deny
a. Matched item in table also contains an
office code (90 to step 6)
b. Matched item in table has only area
code: Disconnect station
3. No Table is found
a. System Allow:
Allow user free dialing
b. System Deny :
Disconnect station
Allow three more digits to be dialed
If item in table matches area and office code
1. Table is allow: Allow user free dialing
2. Table is deny : Disconnect station
If item in table no longer matches for area code
and office code dialed, locate next lowest table
which contains a three digit entry which
matches the area code dialed or a 6 digit entry
which matches the area and office code dialed.
1. New table found:
a. Table is allow: Allow user free dialing
b. Table is deny : Disconnect station
2. No Table is found (check Memory Block
a. System allow: Allow user free dialing
b. System deny : Disconnect station
Direct dial area (refer to Table 360-3)
First digit dialed
Digit 0: Disconnect station
Digit 1: (90 to step 3)
Any digit 2-9: If digit is not a rejection code
allow user to dial second digit
(next step)
Second digit dialed
Digit 1 or 0: Allow next digit to be dialed
(go to step 7)
Any digit 2-9: Allow next digit to be dialed
(go to step 6)