
To change the upper limit, press
the key adjacent to the “Upper
Limit” label. A screen similar to
the one at right appears. Using
the numbered keys, enter the
desired upper limit, then press
the ENT key. In this example,
we entered 25 feet. The
GlobalMap 2000 returns to the
sonar menu using the new
range as shown below.
Changing the lower limit is iden-
tical to the upper limit, except
you press the key next to the
“Lower Limit” label. Simply en-
ter the desired lower limit and
press the ENT key.
When you’re finished with the
upper and lower limits, press
the CLR key to erase the sonar
Enlarging or “zooming” the picture is a common method used to show small
detail and fish signals. Although changing the upper and lower limits gives
you precise control over the range, the zoom feature is faster. The zoom
feature works differently in automatic versus manual.
For a fast 2 times view of the
current display, simply press
the SONAR key. This splits the
screen into left and right sides.
The right side shows the cur-
rent information in a normal
view. The left side shows all of
the echoes from the lower half
of the right side at the same
time. The left side is actually
showing the right side’s ech-
oes - but twice as large.