
If you move to the left or right of the optimum course to the waypoint,
another arrow appears on the display with the letters “WYPT”. This arrow
points in the direction you should steer the boat to get back on course. In
the example shown above, you need to steer the boat to the left to get back
on course.
The box shown beneath the compass
box is a course deviation indicator, or
C.D.I. This box has a pointer that moves
to the left or right, depending if you are
left or right of the optimum course line.
The pointer represents the course line.
For example, if you are one-half of a mile
to the left of the desired course, the
pointer will move to the right, and an arrow pointing to the right appears with
the word “STEER” next to it. This means you need to steer to the right to
get back on the correct course. The distance from your present position to
the course line appears at the bottom of this box. This is called “cross track
error”. In this example, the cross track error is 0.05 miles.
Beneath the C.D.I. indicator are the distance to go (DTG), speed over
ground (SOG), and time of day (TOD) boxes.
To center the map around your present position (or the cursor), placing it
in the middle of the screen, simply press the CENTER key.
Buoys and other navigational aids have additional information available
when using a C-MAP cartridge. To view this data, move the cursor on top
of the desired symbol, as shown below left. Now press the ENT key. The
screen shown below right appears. An information box shows on the
screen, giving information about the selected symbol. To erase this
message box, press the CLR key.