A faster way to change the
C.D.I. range is to simply press
keys while the steer screen is
displayed. Each time you press
one of these keys, the C.D.I.
range increases or decreases,
depending on which key you
To clear the plot trail on the
steering screen, simply press
the CLR key.
Pressing the STEER key at the bottom of the unit while the steering screen
is displayed changes all of the boxes shown at the top of the display. Again,
all of these displays can be changed or rearranged in virtually any
The digital displays on the mapping, navigation, and steering screens, plus
the displays on the sonar screen can be changed as desired. To show how
this is done, we’ll use the Navigation screen as an example.
To customize the Navigation screen, first make certain it is showing by
pressing the NAV key. Next, press the MENU key two times. Now press
the key next to the “Customize Display” label. The unit returns to the
Navigation Screen with an arrow pointing to the top left hand corner box as
shown below. In this case, the arrow is pointing to the D.T.G. box. The
arrow identifies the box as “ready for change.” To move the arrow to a
different box, simply press the arrow keys until it’s pointing to the desired
box. In this example, the dis-
tance to go (DTG) is changing
to the estimated time of arrival
(ETA) display. With the arrow
pointing to the “DTG” box, press
the ENT key. The screen shown
at the top of the next page
appears. Using the arrow keys,
move the arrow to the “E.T.A.”
box. (If the digital box you want
is not on this screen, press the
MENU key until you see it.