Danaher Motion 07/06 Configuration Parameters
M-S2-021-11 Initial Release 27
Object Number
3648 (hex) P5 Fast Position Register
3649 (hex) P6 Fast Position Register
364A (hex) P7 Fast Position Register
364B (hex) P8 Fast Position Register
364C (hex) P9 Fast Position Register
364D (hex) P10 Fast Position Register
364E (hex) P11 Fast Position Register
364F (hex) P12 Fast Position Register
3650 (hex) P13 Fast Position Register
3651 (hex) P14 Fast Position Register
3652 (hex) P15 Fast Position Register
3653 (hex) P16 Fast Position Register
3654 (hex) PTARGET Variable rw Last Target Position
3656 (hex) ROFFSABS Variable rw Reference Offset
3658 (hex) DPRILIMIT Variable rw Digital Limiting of the peak Current via DPR
3659 (hex) ACCUNIT Variable rw Type of acceleration setpoint for the system
365A (hex) VCOMM Variable rw Velocity Threshold for Commutation error
365B (hex) MTMUX Variable rw Presetting for motion task that is processed later
365D (hex) REFLS Variable rw
365F (hex) VUNIT Variable rw Systemwide Definition of Velocity / Speed
3660 (hex) PUNIT Variable rw Set Resolution of the Position
366E (hex) TBRAKE Variable rw Disable Delaytime with Holding Brake
366F (hex) TBRAKE0 Variable rw Enable Delaytime with Holding Brake
3671 (hex) MSLBRAKE Variable rw DEC ramp at sensorless emergency stop
3675 (hex) ESPEED Variable r Maximum velocity corresponding to the Feedback Type
367F (hex) LATCH1P16 Variable rw Latched 16-bit Position (positive edge)
3680 (hex) LATCH1N16 Variable rw Latched 16-bit Position (negative edge)
3681 (hex) EXTLATCH Variable rw Selection of the Source of the Latch Inputs
3682 (hex) STAGECODE Variable r Power Stage Identification
3683 (hex) SYNCSRC Variable rw
3698 (hex) VREF0 Variable rw Homing Mode Reduction factor
3699 (hex) AN11NR Variable rw No. Of INxTRIG variable, that is changed analog
369A (hex) AN11RANGE Variable rw Range of the analog change of INxTRIG
36A5 (hex) VSTFR Variable rw Velocity for max. Friction Compensation
36B6 (hex) DOVRIDE Variable rw Digital Override Factor
36CE (hex) LASTWMASK Variable ro Fault history of WMASK
36D2 (hex) NREFMT Variable rw Homing wih following motion task
36D7 (hex) AUTOHOME Variable rw
36D8 (hex) PASSCNFG Variable rw Password Function
36E4 (hex) DRVCNFG2 Variable rw Additional drive functions
38e8 (hex) FwVersion Variable-ro Firmware version
38E9 (hex) Revision Variable-ro Firmware revision index
38EC (hex) Model Variable-ro S200 Model
38ED (hex) Build Variable-ro Firmware build number
38EE (hex) SerialTimeOut Variable-rw Serial communication timeout value [ms]
38F0 (hex) MName Variable-rw Motor name
38F1 (hex) KVP Variable-rw Velocity loop proportional gain