Overview 07/06 Danaher Motion
8 Initial Release M-S2-021-11
The following transitions are defined:
0. After initialization, the error-free status is taken up if no errors are detected. No error signal is
generated in this condition.
1. The S200 detects an internal error and indicates this in the first three bytes of the emergency
telegram (error code in Bytes 0,1 and error register in Byte 2). Since the S200 can distinguish
between different types of error, Byte 3 of the manufacturer-specific error field is used to indicate
the error category.
2. One error has been reset, but not all. The EMCY telegram contains error code 0000
and the error
register indicates the remaining errors that are present. The manufacture-specific area is set to zero.
3. A new error has occurred. The remains in the error status and transmits an EMCY Object with the
corresponding error code. The new error code is entered in the S200, Bytes 0 and 1.
4. All errors have been reset. The EMCY telegram contains the error code 0000
, the error register
does not indicate any other errors. The manufacture-specific area is set to zero.
Composition of the Emergency Object
The Emergency Object is composed of 8 bytes, divided as follows:
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Emergency error code Error register (object 1001
) Category Reserved
If an Emergency Object is generated, the error condition is then signaled to the status machine (error free /
error occurred) by the generation of a second Emergency Object. Only the first four bytes are relevant in
this case (Emergency Error code, Error register, Category). Byte 0/1 contains the Error Reset code (0000
and Byte 2 indicates if a possible further error is present. If the error register contains 00h, the error status is
error-free. Byte 3 contains the category. The interpretations of the error numbers (error code) and the error
categories are described below. The error register is defined through object 1001
Error register.
Emergency Messages
Emergency messages are triggered by internal equipment errors. They have a high ID-priority, to ensure
quick access to the bus. An Emergency message contains an error field with pre-defined error/fault numbers
(2 bytes), an error register (1byte), the error category (1 byte) and additional information. The higher-value
byte of the error number describes the error category, and the lower-value byte provides the error number in
this category.
Error numbers from 0000
to 7FFF
are defined in the communication or drive profile. Error numbers from
have manufacturer-specific definitions. The error category can be used to classify the
significance of any errors that occur. The following error categories are defined:
1 Errors that can only be cleared by a reset (COLDSTART command, or Bit 7 in the control word).
These errors are also indicated by blinking of the LED display in the front panel. (Fxx, xx = error
2 Errors that can be cleared by Bit 11 in the control word.
3 Error messages that may appear when a PDO is processed.
4 Faults, that cannot be cleared by the user.
5 Operating errors/warnings.