SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
- 8 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
2.2 Setup (PC Software)
The installation of the USB driver is described in the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE
documentation. In case the USB connection is only used as power supply, the driver
installation is optional. Communication with the demo firmware also is possible using the
standard RS232 connector (‘UART A’) on the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE.
The newest version of the demo and tuning firmware can be downloaded at
The .mhx file from the archive can directly be programmed to the host MCU using the Flash
programmer on the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE CD.
After power-up, the host MCU will start the initialization of the FMA1125 TSC.
The demo firmware for the MB96340 Series MCU on the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE offers
several functions to support a quick and easy setup and tuning of the application. The
tuning process is explained more in detail later in this document.
Generally, the command line can be accessed by any PC terminal program. However, not all
terminal programs support the ‘form feed’ command to clear the screen; this is used for the
real-time monitoring modes. Therefore the Fujitsu ‘SK Wizard’ is recommended for tuning; it
can be downloaded free of charge at
Communication settings for the serial port are 8N1 at 115200baud (8 bits, no parity, 1 stop
After connection to the starter kit, type ‘help’ followed by the ‘enter’ key for a list and short
description of available commands.
2.3 Pictures
Figure 1: SK-TSC-1125S-TB (front)