SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 5 -
1 Overview
1.1 Abstract
The SK-TSC-1125S Starter Kit allows easy evaluation of the FMA1125 Touch Sensor
Controller. It consists of the following parts:
• 1x SK-TSC-1125S-TB touch board with FMA1125 TSC
• 1x 10-pin ribbon cable
• 3x FMA1125DC-24S Sample
• In order to use the free example software, an SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE Starter Kit
is required as host system, which has to be ordered separately. In this case,
the included ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD and ribbon cable can be used to connect
both PCBs.
• The SK-TSC-1125S-SB itself can alternatively be connected to any suitable
host PCB using appropriate connections.
A demo firmware allows direct evaluation of the touch sensor, and provides various
commands to tune the TSC parameters using a command-line interface and a terminal
program. The newest version of the demo firmware, the SK-Wizard (the recommended
terminal program) and additional information can be downloaded from the TSC product
This manual will describe the behaviour when used with the above demo firmware where
needed (e.g. tuning with command line interface). Of course the Starter Kit itself can also be
used with different host software and / or hardware combinations.
This evaluation system must only be used for test applications
in an evaluation laboratory environment!