SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
- 6 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
1.2 Features
< FMA1125DC-24S Touch Sensor Controller (SSOP24 package) with 4-8 touch input
channels and 4-8 digital I/Os (4 pins can be I/O or touch input)
< Connector for up to eight touch input channels, with ‘mini-slider’ on PCB
< Four LEDs connected to TSC GPIO pins
< 10-pin connector for I2C and interrupt signals
< Adapter board (ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD) to connect to SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE (SK-16FX-
EUROSCOPE not included)
< Connector for standard parallel LC Display (on ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD)
< 3.3-5V operation
1.3 General Description
The SK-TSC-1125S is a starter kit and evaluation system for the FMA1125 Touch Sensor
Controller (TSC). The kit uses an SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE Starter Kit (to be ordered
separately) holding the 16FX MB96F348 MCU as host platform, so that the user can easily
develop TSC applications using the EUROSCOPE debugging environment. The TSC touch
board is connected using a 10-pole ribbon cable which holds the power supply lines, the I2C
connection as well as reset- and interrupt lines.
Different demo firmware variants, also supporting parameter tuning using a PC terminal
program, can be downloaded from the web to demonstrate different applications of the TSC.
Additionally, a standard parallel LCD (20x4) can be connected to the ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD.
When the LCD is present, depending on the application, some information will be displayed,
such as the distribution of the touch strength among the input channels. The same
information can also be obtained by the terminal program interface.