2009 by Panarex Electronics
5.2 Factory Setting
Once the Factory setting is selected and chooses “Yes”
and type password by pressing 4-digit numeric keys
followed by OK key, whole parameters will be changed to
the default value written in the factory. If you do not
want to continue this mode, press [EXIT] key before you
enter password.
Common password is “0000”. In case selected password
is forgotten, call Pansat’s dealer to get factory master
5.3 STB Data Transfer (Receiver to Receiver)
• Connect Null Modem RS 232 Cable (Pin #2 & #3
twisted) between master and slave receiver.
• Hook up the master receiver to the TV and select
transfer mode.
• Turn on the slave receiver power.
• Move highlight to “Start” on master receiver and press
[OK] key to start upgrade.
• Press [Exit] key to save the parameters and draw back.
Warning! Do not disturb data transfer by touching any Remote button, RS232 Cable, IF Cable, RCA Cable etc. during
data transfer period until “Please wait for saving” message disappeared. Interruption of data transfer could damage the
receiver’s Flash memory chip which makes the receiver dead and void warranty.
5.4 Download – USB
• Download - USB Mode has following options:
API_code, ChanData, All Data, All Data + Boot_code,
Sat&TP data, Background, Boot_code and Upload(All
Data Backup).
• User need put the upgrade file with under root of USB
memory stick. When users switch to the Download -
USB mode, “File” will show the corresponding file
• Select the mode and download file, then you can start
download by USB.