
2009 by Panarex Electronics
4.3 Local Time Setting
• Time Set Mode
You can select “TDT Auto” or “User Manual” mode by
using keys.
• GMT Offset
This item is valid only when you select “TDT Auto” mode.
You can press keys to switch “GMT” Offset” value,
and the range is “-12:00 ~ +12:00”, increase each half
hour progressively.
• Summer Time
This item is only valid when you select “TDT Auto” mode. When “Summer Time” is “On”, it will add one hour to
the time.
• “Date” and “Time”
These items are valid only when the setting of “GMT Usage” is “Off”. You can press keys to moving highlight
and use number keys to input directly.
• If the current channel provides the correct time information, you will see the current time while you enter “Time”
menu. If the channel doesn’t provide time information, you have to input the date and time information manually.
• Press [Exit] key to draw back from “Time” menu.
4.4 Timer Setting
• You can press▲▼ key to select a timer, then press
[enter] key to open timer menu.
• Current time information will display on the first column;
if the current time is incorrect, please modify the time
information in “Time” item.
• Timer Mode: There are several modes for Timer to
setting, include Off, Once, Daily
• Wakeup Channel: press [OK] key to enter channel list
and select channel that you want to setting.
• Wakeup Date: use number keys to input your wakeup date.
• On Time: use number keys to input your wakeup time. Once the time’s up, no matter what the system is in standby
mode or in playing mode, the system will automatically switch to the channel you want and start to play.