Operating Manual
• Send_File <Station> <Filename>
Sends a particular file to a station.
• Delete_File <Station> <Filename>
Deletes a file stored in the datalogger. This is currently not supported on
the CR10X datalogger.
• Retrieve_File < Station > < Filename > <Output Filename >
This should be the only command required to collect images with the
CR10X. The files sent to the CR10X by the camera have a unique
filename by using a counter. To retrieve all images in memory simply use
the wildcard character * for the JPG files:
• Retrieve_File <Station> *.JPG
This will retrieve files that match the DOS type name entered.
Other options for Retrieve_File include Force and NoDateCheck
• Force: Will collect a file even if a file with the same name and date have
already been collected.
• NoDateCheck: Will collect a file with the same name only if the date is
14.2 Using Loggernet File Control
Images that are in the dataloggers memory can be viewed or collected on demand
by using the File Control feature that is available under the Tools menu of the
connect screen. Using the file control can also be useful for debugging purposes.
In the case of the CR10XPB datalogger only the CPU device exists where files
can be stored. In dataloggers such as the CR1000 Devices can include the CPU,
USR and the CRD (compact flash module). The devices show up in the left hand
side of the File Control panel. To view files of a certain device simply click on the
desired device listed in the panel.