CC640 Digital Camera
2. Introduction
The CC640 digital camera was designed to meet the stringent operational
requirements necessary for remote battery powered installations. The CC640 has a
very low quiescent power draw and can operate over a wide temperature range.
The camera contains a compact flash memory card interface that turns the camera
into a powerful image logger. The combination of JPEG compression and memory
card storage enables the CC640 to store over 10,000 images.
The CC640 can operate in a stand-alone mode with image acquisitions triggered
by the cameras own precision real time clock. Image acquisitions can also be
triggered by an externally applied digital signal.
For Quick Set-up and Test Procedure in Standalone Mode – refer to Appendix B.
Figure 1 CC640 Camera
2.1 Connecting
The camera should be connected to the datalogger and power supply using the
wiring recommendations in Table 1, Cable Colour Connections. The wiring is
based on the use of the recommended FIN6COND cable supplied by Campbell
Scientific (Canada) Corp. (CSC). The colour connections may differ if other
cables are used.
It is essential that the Ground cable be connected first when wiring
the camera to the datalogger or the power supply.