CC640 Digital Camera
12.4 CR10X *D15 Settings
The *D15 Settings are used to set the PakBus Parameters necessary for
communications with the camera. Refer to PakBus Networking Guide for
additional information on PakBus and these settings. If values for parameters 01,
02, 03 are too small, you may not be able to connect to all network nodes.
• *D 13:00
• 15A 15:???? – PakBus Address (prefer 1) must match the destination
PakBus address of the camera setting.
• A 01:0000 –The Max number of Nodes recommend 3 or more
• A 02:0000 –The Max number of neighbours recommend 3 or
• A 03:0000 –The Max number of routers recommend 3 or more.
• A 04:0000 – Default router recommend to leave at zero
12.5 CR10X Multiple Cameras
Multiple cameras can be placed on a single CR10X datalogger. However, the
system should be configured so that image transfers to the datalogger from more
than one camera do not occur at the same time. If a collision does occur, images
will not get stored onto the datalogger. Each camera on the logger should be set to
have different PakBus addresses and CSDC addresses.
12.6 CR10X Connections
The Ext. connection is optional if the camera is set up in self-timed mode. It is
also recommended that the CS I/O cable length between the camera and the
CR10X be limited to 12 feet or less.
Refer to Figure 7 (page 13) for connections to the CR10X.
13. CR1000 Interface Guide
This section contains information for interfacing the CC640 camera to the
CR1000 datalogger. The CR1000 and the CC640 both have several different types
of communication ports. This provides many different interface options for the
user. This includes using the CS I/O port, the 9 Pin RS-232 Serial Port, the control
COM ports (1-4), and RS-485 if using an MD485 interface.
13.1 CR1000 Memory Set-up
To facilitate the storage of images a CFM100 allows the use of a compact flash
card on the CR1000. Memory can also be allocated from the CR1000’s internal
memory to create a virtual user drive “USR:” Entering a non-zero value for the
parameter “USR: drive size” allocates internal memory for the drive. The amount
of memory required will vary depending on each application. A good number to
start with is 524288 bytes (512K bytes which is 25% of the 2M bytes available on
a standard CR1000).