Chapter 8. SIP Services
Log class for SIP signaling
For each SIP packet, the Telecommuting Module generates a message, containing the sender and receiver of the
packet and what type of packet it is. Select a log class for these log messages.
Log class for SIP packets
The Telecommuting Module logs all SIP packets (one SIP packet is many lines). Select a log class for the SIP
Log class for SIP debug messages
The Telecommuting Module logs a lot of status messages, for example the SIP initiation phase of a reboot. Select a
log class for these messages.
Saves the Basic configuration to the preliminary configuration.
Clears and resets all fields in new rows and resets changes in old rows.
The SIP standard is still young and under considerable development. As an effect, several implementations of the
standard omits parts of it, or makes guesses as to what will be accepted.
3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module adheres rather well to the standard (RFC 3261) per default, but you can also
adjust the configuration to make more allowing for known issues in various SIP implementations.
On this page, you also configure timeout and retransmission values for SIP signaling.
Loose routing
The Telecommuting Module uses the parameter "lr" in its SIP signaling to announce to other SIP devices that it uses
loose routing. Some other SIP implementations incorrectly expect the lr parameter to be followed by a value, i.e.
"lr=true". If you select that the Telecommuting Module should add this value to its SIP signaling, it will work with
these implementations, too. This could affect its interaction with other SIP devices that conform to the SIP standard
very strictly.
Select to use lr or lr=true.
Relaxed Refer-To
The SIP standard requires that a Refer-To header with a question mark in it must be contained within angle
brackets. Some clients do not honor this.