Chapter 6. Basic Configuration
The Range shows all IP addresses from which the Telecommuting Module can be configured. The range is
calculated from the configuration under DNS name or network address and Netmask/Bits. Check that the correct
information was entered in the DNS name or network address and Netmask/Bits fields.
Log Class
Here, you enter what log class the Telecommuting Module should use to log the configuration traffic to the
Telecommuting Module’s web server. Log classes are defined on the Log Classes page under Logging. See also
chapter 11, Logging.
Log Rule No.
The Log Rule No. field determines the order of the lines. The order is important in deciding what is logged and
warned for. The Telecommuting Module uses the first line that matches the configuration traffic.
Perhaps you want to configure the Telecommuting Module so that configuration traffic from one specific computer
is simply logged while traffic from the rest of that computer’s network is both logged and generates alarms.
The rules are used in the order in which they are listed, so if the network is listed first, all configuration traffic from
that network is both logged and generates alarms, including the traffic from that individual computer. But if the
individual computer is listed on a separate line before the network, that line will be considered first and all
configuration traffic from that computer is only logged while the traffic from the rest of the computer’s network is
both logged and generates alarms.
Delete Row
If you select this box, the row is deleted when you click on Add new rows, Save, or Look up all IP addresses
Enter the number of new rows you want to add to the table, and then click on Create.
Saves the Access Control configuration to the preliminary configuration.
Reverts all the above fields to their previous configuration.
Look up all IP addresses again
Looks up the IP addresses for all DNS names on this page in the DNS servers you entered on the Basic
Configuration page.
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) is an authentication system consisting of one or more
servers, and clients using the servers to authenticate users. You could, for example, equip the company modems
with RADIUS clients, demanding that a user connecting to a modem first identifies himself to the RADIUS server.
Servers and clients communicate via UDP.
3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module uses RADIUS for authentication of Telecommuting Module administration.
RADIUS Servers
Enter the server(s) that the Telecommuting Module should use. When more than one RADIUS server is entered,
make sure that their databases contain the same data, since the Telecommuting Module regards them all alike and
uses the server which first replies to a request.