
Chapter 11. Logging
Time Limits
You can limit the selection by a time interval.
The date is written as a year with two or four digits, month (01-12) and day (01-31). The optional punctuation
between year, month and day must be dash (-). Time is written as two digits for the hour, two digits for the minute
and possibly two digits for the second, although the seconds can be left out. The optional punctuation between
hours, minutes and seconds must be colon (:) or period (.).
Show log from
You can enter a date, a time or both to set an interval for the log display. If you leave the date field blank and enter a
time in the corresponding time field, today’s date is used. If you leave the time field blank and enter a date in the
date field, the time is set to 00:00:00. If both fields are left blank, all events back to the log start will be displayed.
Show log until
You can enter a date, a time or both to set an interval for the log display. If you leave the date field blank and enter a
time in the corresponding time field, today’s date is used. If you leave the time field blank and enter a date in the date
field, the time is set to 23:59:59. If both fields are left blank, all events until the latest log event will be displayed.
Periodical search
Periodical search will cause new events to appear automatically in the log display. You enter the time interval for
updating in the Seconds until next search field. This will only affect log display on your screen.
Show This
You can select the events you want to search for. NB: You must select IP packets as selected to get a log display of
the packets selected in the boxes.
Display log
Below the boxes you can choose to display the log on your computer screen or export it to a file. For screen display,
enter the desired number of lines per page and press Display log.
Export log
You can also save the log to a file. Enter the maximum size of the log file. If you must have the latest log events,
select Show newest at top.
You can choose between different file formats; TAB-separated file, comma-separated file and WELF (WebTrends
Enhanced Log Format). These are text formats, which means that you can import the files in a text editor for
analysis. TAB- and comma-separated files contain all information from the log file. WELF is an open standard used
by several log analyzer tools. However, all WELF compatible syslog messages will not be exported.
WELF uses the Telecommuting Module name you enter on the Basic Configuration page. Some WELF
applications have licenses restricted to a certain number of Telecommuting Modules. This can cause trouble if you
change the name of your Telecommuting Module.
If you export a log to WELF with Show newest at top selected, this may become troublesome when using some
WELF applications, which cannot handle events in reverse order.
Press Export log and enter the file name and path to export to file.
Clear form
Resets the form.
The log
The log shows every packet and event on a separate row.