Picking the best spot
The best spot for the repeater is as far from the base as possible while
still maintaining a good signal, or near the edge of the base’s coverage
area. To find the edge of the coverage area:
Stand near the base 1.
and make a call on
the handset.
While on the call, 2.
carry the handset
away from the
base towards the
general area where
you want to put the
Watch the signal 3.
strength icon on
the handset. Make a
note where the icon
drops from 4 bars to
3 bars.
Continue walking away from the base. Make a note where the 4.
signal strength icon drops from 3 bars to 2 or if you start to hear
noise on the line (which indicates the signal is getting weaker).
Place the repeater anywhere inside the range where the signal 5.
strength icon showed 3 bars and the handset had a clear signal
with no noise.
Tesng the locaon
Connect the repeater's AC adapter and make sure the
light comes
on and steady. If the light flashes, the repeater
is not getting a good signal. The repeater may be too
far away from the base, there may be interference
from electronic devices, or the signal might be
blocked by thick walls or metal objects. Try
moving the repeater to another location.