Uniden 1380 Conference Phone User Manual

To move the answerer to a different location in the house, follow these
1. Disconnect the phone line.
2. Go to the electrical outlet and unplug the power adaptor.
3. Move the unit and phone line to the desired location.
4. Plug in the power adaptor into an electrical outlet.
5. The display shows that the messages have not been erased.
6. Connect the phone line.
7. Reset the time/date settings or wait for the next call to set them automatically.
Answering System Setup
Recording the Outgoing Announcement
Before using your new answerer, you should record a greeting (the
announcement callers hear when your answering system answers a call). If you
don’t record a greeting, callers hear a default greeting which says, “We are not
available to take your call. Please leave a message. Thank you for calling.”
When recording the greeting you should be about 6 inches from the unit.
Eliminate as much background noise as possible.
1. Prepare your greeting.
Sample Greeting: “Hi, this is (use your name here). I can’t answer the phone
right now, so please leave your name, number, and a brief message after the
tone, and I’ll get back to you. Thanks for calling.”
2. Hold down the
ANNOUNCE button. The unit announces “Record
announcement after the tone,” and the screen displays TO RECORD. After
the tone, you can record a 1 minute greeting (OGA) on the unit.
3. Release
ANNOUNCE when you nish.
To review the greeting, press and release
ANNOUNCE. The unit plays back
your greeting automatically.