If pairing was successful, the LED ´ flashes slowly in blue.
Once paired, your mobile phone will be able to transfer the call
audio to the headset – either automatically or manually (please
see your mobile phone’s manual whether the call audio is trans-
ferred automatically or manually). Most mobile phones show a
headset symbol in their display, if successfully paired.
Pairing to other Bluetooth devices
If you wish to pair the headset to other Bluetooth devices, please see
the Bluetooth device’s manual.
Pairing to several mobile phones
If you wish to pair the headset to a second mobile phone, you first
have to disconnect from the first mobile phone (see the manual of
the first mobile phone). The headset saves up to four pairing profiles.
As soon as the headset is switched on it tries to connect to the mo-
bile phone that it was last connected to. If this mobile phone is not
detected by the headset, you can manually connect it with one of the
other three mobile phones (see the manual of the respective mobile
Wearing the headset
Open the microphone boom ³.
The headset is turned on. The LED ´
starts flashing slowly in blue.
f Put the headset on. You can wear the
headset on either the left or right ear
without changing it.
f Turn the microphone boom ³ to-
wards your mouth.
The speaker » operates in two directions so that you can wear the
headset on either your left or right ear without changing it. However,
the speaker is designed in a way that other people in the vicinity
cannot listen in the other party and are not disturbed by the
VMX 100_PRT.pdf 16 03.05.2007 15:02:12