7-digits: 7-digit telephone number (i.e.555-5555)
10-digits: 3-digit area code +7-digit telephone number (i.e.425-555-5555)
11-digits: long distance code 1 +3-digit area code +7-digit telephone number
(i.e. 1-425-555-5555)
4. To dial the displayed number, select a line or press Dial again.
If You Did Not Program Your Local Area Code
1. Press the CID button , and then use the Vol (+ or -) buttons to display the number you
want to dial. You will only see 10-digit numbers (i.e.234-555-1234).
2. Press Dial to dial back. You may adjust the number format by pressing the
Redial/Format button before dialing.
Call Waiting Caller ID
This feature allows you to see who is calling when you hear the call waiting beep. The caller
identification information appears in the display after you hear the tone.
• Press the Flash button to put the person to whom you’re talking on hold and answer
the incoming call.
IMPORTANT: To use all the features of this unit, you must subscribe to either the standard
Name/Number Caller ID Service or Caller ID with Call Waiting Service. To know who is calling
while you are on the phone, you must subscribe to Caller ID with Call Waiting Service.
Memory Log and Phone Book (Directory) Memory
You may store data in the Phone Book Directory (up to 94 memories) or an Intercom/
Memory Log (16 buttons located to the right of the number pad on the base). The Phone
Book and each Intercom/Memory Log stores up to 21 characters and 32 digits.
Storing a Number and Name in Memory
NOTE: To cancel the storing procedure at any time, press Exit.
1. Press the Store button. ENTER NUMBER is displayed.
2. Use the touch tone pad on your telephone to enter the telephone number you want to
store. The numbers you enter show in the display.
NOTE: If you make a mistake, use the DIR or CID buttons (left/right) to move the cursor to
the incorrect digit, and press the Delete button to delete.
3. Press Sel/Save. ENTER NAME is displayed.