- 5 -
To cancel this setting, perform the same
keypresses in reverse order. The indicator will
13. Transmitter power
Transmitter output power is dependent on:
- The value set by the internal software
- Antenna matching
- Temperature
To set transmitter power:
- Press H (Select Function )
- Press 1
The transmitter power level may be adjusted by
pressing keys 0 and # or C and D. Confirm
desired level by pressing any other key.
14. Repeater shift setting
On the UHF radio, the default value for the
repeater shift is 1.6MHz. On VHF, the default
value is 600 kHz. The MENU allows any other
value to be set up (see Heading 17).
To switch repeater shift on and off:
- Press H (Select Function )
- Press #
Next there are 3 options:
- Shift off (43*.***.*** )
- Shift negative (TX frequency 1.6MHz lower)
(43*.***.*** –S)
- Shift positive (TX frequency 1.6MHz higher)
(43*.***.*** +S)
15. Reverse shift
Reverse shift is useful for temporary listening on
the repeater input frequency, and transmitting on
the repeater output frequency.
Reverse shift may be switched on and off by
pressing # only, i.e., without first pressing the H
button. With reverse shift enabled, an ‘R’ is shown
on the display instead of ‘S’.
16. Squelch (trip) level setting
- Press H (Select Function )
- Press 2
The squelch level is then adjustable using the
keys 0 and # or C and D.
17. The MENU
For lack of buttons on the FM1200/1100/1300, a
number of less frequently used functions have
been gathered into a Menu. Once in the menu,
you can select between available options by
means of the 0 and # keys.
Option values may be modified as required by
pressing the H button. In that case, the indicator
with the H key will be visible.
Options requiring a number or text to be set may
also be edited using the H key. However, these
entries need to be confirmed by pressing an
unused key or the H key.
Access the menu as follows:
- Press H (Select Function )
- Press 4 (xxxxxxx MENU)
To keep the menu reasonably tidy, items have
been distributed across submenus. The
submenus may be viewed from the main menu by
pressing the H button. Like the main menu,
submenus are closed by pressing an unused key.
Available menu items: Options:
- Shift ****** kHz
Define amount of shift for repeaters. Adjust value
using number keys.
- TX with SQ Possible / Not possible
With 'Not possible' selected the transmitter can
not be keyed while a signal is received.
- Limit TX time **** sec
Define maximum duration of transmission. Adjust
value with number keys. 0 = none.
- Range 430-440 / 300-500
144-146 / 100-200
Select VCO range. (UHF or VHF)
- Scan mode Wait for silence / Wait
briefly / Scan until busy
Indicates transceiver activity while in scanning
- Scan mode Carrier / Squelch
With 'Carrier' selected, the transceiver evaluates
signal strength, this is faster. 'Squelch' is better
for weak signals.
Audio Submenu!
- Microphone Normal / PA
The AF input may be sent to the loudspeaker
- Suppress Tones >500Hz / 1750Hz
only / Never