- 4 -
See Heading 7 for the name display on/off
6. Storing Priority (PR) Channel
It is very useful, particularly in mobiles, to have a
single button available to retrieve the Priority
Channel. The Priority Channel frequency may be
programmed as follows:
- Select VCO mode (43*.***.*** )
- Enter the desired frequency and set
SHIFT and/or CTCSS if required
- Press H. ( Select Function )
- Press F. ( Calling Frequency? )
- Press H.
- If desired, give the channel a name
( Name: )
See Heading 10 for text entry.
- Press H again. ( Processing )
See Heading 7 for the name display on/off
7. Name display on/off
Names may be assigned to memory channels.
The displaying of the name may be switched on
and off, as follows:
- Press H (Select Function )
- Press 6
8. Clear memory channel
- Select Memory mode (** ****** )
- Select the channel to be cleared
- Press H ( Select Function )
- Press S ( Clear Channel? )
- Press H ( Processing )
9. Clear Priority (PR) Channel
- Select Prioruty Channel (button F)
(A ****** )
- Press H (Select Function )
- Press F (Clear Calling?)
- Press H ( Processing )
10. Text entry
Text entry using the keys on the keypad is largely
similar to the method used on GSM phones. For
example, the letters A, B and C are 'behind' the
number key '2'. The desired letter or character is
selected by repeatedly pressing a number key.
The B button is used to delete a character. Text
beyond the cursor position will shift back, just as
with the DEL key when using a word processor.
The E button is used to enter a space.
All characters behind the keys on the keypad are
shown in the table below. The up and down arrow
keys C and D may be used to step through a
character group. The cursor may be moved by
pressing the left and right arrow keys F and G.
On completion of text entry, press the H key.
11. Scanning
De transceiver is capable of scanning in Memory
as well as in VFO mode:
To scan all frequencies:
- Switch to VFO mode by pressing the G button
- Press the * button
To scan memory channels:
- Select MEMory mode by pressing the G button
- Press the * button
Press any key to stop scanning. During scanning
the red LED is illuminated.
If the transceiver has halted on a certain channel,
scanning may be resumed by pressing * again.
During scanning indicator F is displayed.
12. Exclude channels from
It is possible to skip certain memory channels
while scanning.
- Select MEMory mode (** 43*** )
- Select the relevant channel
- Press H (Select Function )
- Press *
Indicator E shows that the channel is skipped
during scanning.