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Keyboard Layout:
Main Functions:
Key(s): Function:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Enter channel, frequency
or number
* Scanning
# Reverse shift
E Activate tone squelch
(CTSS / 5-tone)
F Go to Calling Channel
G Switch between VFO and
H Select second function of
next key
Second (alternate) function:
Key: Function:
1 Adjust transmit power
2 Adjust squelch trip level
3 Select CTCSS tone
5 To Status Menu
6 Show names with
memory channels
8 Select step size
* Exclude memory channel
from scanning
0 Call
# Shift + / – / off
E Select tone squelch
F Clear Priority Channel
G Clear memory Channel
When the transceiver is switched on, the upper
line of the display shows the current channel or
the frequency. If a valid tone code is received, it is
displayed in the lower right hand corner of the
display. The lower display line shows an S (signal
strength) meter in the form of a horizontal bar.
This is called the normal state.
To activate the second function of a key, press
the H key. The text ‘Select Function'’ will appear.
The second (alternate) function of the next key
pressed is activated. Press H again to return to
the normal state.