To reply to an SMS
Scroll to Read SMS and select
Enter the password if any and press OK (optional)
Scroll to Reply and press
Enter the text and press
Select your SMS box* (only if you have created several SMS boxes).
To create a SMS box please refer to SMS Settings page 25
Browse the list of SMS and select the one you want to reply to
Press to directly reach Send new SMS
Press to select Send now
To forward an SMS
Scroll to Read SMS and select
Press to directly reach Send new SMS
Enter the password if any and press OK (optional)
Select your SMS box* (only if you have created several SMS boxes).
To create a SMS box please refer to SMS Settings page 25
Browse the list of SMS and select the one you want to forward
Enter the number and press OK
Scroll to Forward and press
Enter the Destination box* number (if any) and press OK
You can modify the text if necessary or select
Press to select Send now
* only available in the UK
for copyright reasons, it is strictly forbidden to forward a downloaded ring tone.
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