Base stations
Onis 300 Base station
Event indicator (red)
Blinking : New events
(new SMS, missed calls etc...)
Fast blinking : SMS Memory full
Answer machine indicator (red)
ON :Answer machine activated
OFF :Answer machine
Blinking : New messages
Fast blinking :Answer machine
memory full
Using GAP standard compliance
The GAP standard guarantees that all DECT
GAP handsets and base stations comply with a minimum
operating standard irrespective of their make.Your Onis 300 handset and base station are GAP
compliant, which means the minimum guaranteed functions are : register a handset, take the line, receive a
call and dial.The advanced features may not be available if you use another handset than an Onis 300 with
your base station.
To register and use your Onis 300 handset with a GAP standard base station of a different make, first
follow the procedure described in the manufacturers instructions, then follow the procedure page 12.
To register a handset from another make to the Onis 300 base station, place the base station into
registration mode (page 12), then follow the procedure in the manufacturers instructions.
Register a DECT
peripheral without keypad
peripherals, such as repeaters, do not have a keypad.A special menu-operated procedure is
used to register such peripherals with the base station without the need to disconnect the base station.
See page 27 and use the peripheral instructions to register it to the base station.
Paging key
Press to locate all handsets
Paging key
Press to locate all handsets
Delete key
Press to delete current message
Long press to delete all the messages
(except unread ones)
Onis 300 Vox Base station
Power indicator (green)
ON : System correctly
connected to the mains
OFF : System not powered
Blinking : the line is busy
ON/OFF key
Press to switch answer machine ON/OFF
Power indicator (Green)
ON : System correctly
connected to the mains
OFF : System not powered
Blinking : the line is busy
Play/Stop key
Press to listen to the new messages
Next key
Press to listen to the next messages
Previous key
Press to listen to the previous messages
Base loudspeaker volume keys
Answer machine control keys
Onis 300 manual_Retail_UK_Indice2.qxd 07/01/03 14:09 Page 2