Grandstream Networks GXV3140 IP Phone User Manual

Grandstream Networks, Inc. XML Based GUI Configuration Guide Page 24 of 26 Last Updated: 03/2010
14. $M: This variable is replaced with the current month in English, possible values: January,
February, ..., December
15. $o: This variable is replaced with the current month in number with leading zero, possible values:
01, 02, ..., 12
16. $n: This variable is replaced with the current month in number without leading zero, possible
values: 1, 2, ..., 12
17. $Y: This variable is replaced with the current year in 4-digit number, for example: 2006, 2007 ...
18. $y: This variable is replaced with the current year in 2-digit number, for example: 06, 07 ...
19. $P: This variable is replaced with the current AM/PM status in upper case, possible values: AM,
20. $p: This variable is replaced with the current AM/PM status in lower case, possible values: am, pm
21. $H: This variable is replaced with the current hour of day in 24-hour representation with leading
zero, possible values: 00, 02, ..., 23
22. $h: This variable is replaced with the current hour of day in 12-hour representation with leading
zero, possible values: 01, 02, ..., 12
23. $m: This variable is replaced with the current minute of hour with leading zero, possible values: 01,
02, ..., 59
24. $s: This variable is replaced with the current second of minute with leading zero, possible values:
01, 02, ..., 59
Note: If you want to display the “$” sign, you will use “$$” escape sequence. Element “Function”
This element defines whether to display the factory functions on the desktop or not, the user can choose
which desktop and where to show the functions. It contains six factory functions and all of them are
Create an RSS news program on the screen and it will update periodically.
Create a weather update program on the screen, and it will update periodically.
Create a calendar on the screen, and it will update periodically.
Create a analog clock on the screen, and it will update periodically.
Create a digital clock on the screen, and it will update periodically.
Create a status report on the screen (including the system IP address and SIP information). This will
be updated periodically.
Each function has the following elements and attributes:
Element “DesktopID”:
The value is the desktop number which the function will be put. It is mandatory.
Element “X”:
The same as the “DisplayPicture”, the x coordinate where the function is displayed. It is
mandatory, and the default value is 0.
Element “Y”:
The same as the “DisplayPicture”, the y coordinate where the function is displayed. It is
mandatory, and the default value is 0.
Attribute “layout”: