Grandstream Networks GXV3140 IP Phone User Manual

Grandstream Networks, Inc. XML Based GUI Configuration Guide Page 23 of 26 Last Updated: 03/2010
This specifies the font size of the string. The value must be between 5 and 16. This attribute is
optional. The system will use the default system font size color if it is not specified.
<xsd:simpleType name="FontSizeType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer">
<xsd:minInclusive value="5"/>
<xsd:maxInclusive value="16"/>
Attribute “color”:
This specifies the font color of the string. Possible value is the hexadecimal RGB value in the form
This attribute is optional. The system will use the default system color if it is not specified.
Attribute “style”:
This specifies the font style of the string (bold or italic). This attribute is optional. The system will use
the default setting if it is not specified.
<xsd:simpleType name="FontStyleType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="bold"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="italic"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="bold italic"/>
Attribute “halignment”:
This specifies the horizontal alignment of string, the value ranges from 0 (left) to 1 (right). 0.5 is the
center. It is optional, when it is absent, left alignment will be used.
Attribute “valignment”:
This specifies the vertical alignment of the string, the value ranges from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom). 0.5 is
the center. It is optional, when absent, top alignment will be used.
The string can contain dynamic contents. Currently, we support the following 24 system variables
that will be substituted with dynamic contents at run-time.
1. $W: This variable is replaced with the current day of week and has the following possible values:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
2. $N: This variable is replaced with the configured Account 1 Display Name.
3. $X: This variable is replaced with the configured Account 1 SIP User ID.
4. $V: This variable is replaced with the configured Account 1 SIP Server.
5. $A: This variable is replaced with the configured Account 2 Display Name.
6. $B: This variable is replaced with the configured Account 2 SIP User ID.
7. $C: This variable is replaced with the configured Account 2 SIP Server.
8. $E: This variable is replaced with the configured Account 3 Display Name.
9. $F: This variable is replaced with the configured Account 3 SIP User ID.
10. $G: This variable is replaced with the configured Account 3 SIP Server.
11. $I: This variable is replaced with the system IP address.
12. $D: This variable is replaced with the current day of month with leading zero, possible values: 01,
02, ..., 31.
13. $d: This variable is replaced with the current day of month without leading zero, possible values: 1,
2, ..., 31.