© 2001 Firstech, Inc. Page 9
A product’s warranty is automatically void if its date code or serial number is defaced, missing, or altered. This warranty will
not be valid unless you have completed the registration card and mailed it to Firstech, Inc., within 10 days after purchase to
the following address: 801 E. 82nd St., Suite 1. Anchorage, AK 99518
Last Name_______________________________ First Name_________________________________
City____________________________ State ____________Zip_______________________________
E-mail___________________________________________ Home telephone( )_______________
Work telephone( )________________Purchase Place____________________________________
Date of Purchase_______________ CompuStar Model__________________ Purchase Price________
Vehicle Make___________________________ Model_______________________________________
CompuStar Serial #____________________
How did you hear about this product?
___Magazine Ad ___TV Ad ___Radio Ad
___Internet ___Friend/Family ___Auto security/stereo dealer
___ Auto Trade Show ___Other (please specify)____________________________________
What of the following best describes your annual income?
___Less than $10,000 ___$40,000-$50,000 ___$80,000-$90,000
___$10,000-$20,000 ___$50,000-$60,000 ___$90,000-$100,000
___$20,000-$30,000 ___$60,000-$70,000 ___More than $100,000
___$30,000-$40,000 ___$70,000-$80,000
Which of the following best describes the work that you do?
___K-12 Student ___K-12 Faculty/Administrator ___University Student
___University Faculty/Administration ___Federal/State Government ___Self-Employed
___Engineering ___Manufacturing/Operations ___Food Services
___Professional Services (e.g. doctor, lawyer, consultant) ___Sales/Marketing/Business Development
___Other (please specify)______________________________________________________________