7.19 Using Direct Inward
SystemAccess(DISA).......................... 7–17
7.20 Using The Auxiliary Jack ........................ 7–20
7.21 Using The Tracker Paging System ................. 7–22
7.22 Using E And M Tie Lines ........................ 7–24
7.23 Call Forward Outside System..................... 7–26
7.24 Mark Problem Line ............................. 7–28
7.25 Automatic Set Relocation ........................ 7–29
7.26 Using The IMIST Module........................ 7–30
7.27 Using The Caller ID Feature...................... 7–31
Sending And Receiving Non-Verbal Messages ........... 8–1
8.1 LightingTheMessage-WaitingLight................ 8–1
8.2 SendingLCDMessages.......................... 8–3
8.3 Sending Response Messages....................... 8–5
ProgrammingYourTelephone........................ 9–1
9.1 ProgrammingForSpeedDialing ................... 9–1
9.2 StoringSpeedDialNumbers ...................... 9–2
9.3 StoringDSSNumbers............................ 9–3
9.4 UsingTheFeatureButtons........................ 9–5
9.5 StoringTheResponseMessageButton .............. 9–7
9.6 StoringAccessCodes............................ 9–8
9.7 SettingAReminderAlert......................... 9–9
10 UsingTheAttendantFeatures........................ 10–1
10.1 Creating LCD Messages ......................... 10–1
10.2 Disabling A Station............................. 10–5
10.3 Disabling A Telephone Line ...................... 10–6
10.4 Enabling Or Disabling Message Waiting ............ 10–7
10.5 Naming The System Telephones................... 10–8
10.6 Naming The Telephone Lines.................... 10–12
10.7 Printing Station Message Detailed
Accounting (SMDA) Reports .................... 10–15
10.8 Setting The Night
TransferOfRingingMode...................... 10–18
10.9 Setting The System Clock....................... 10–19
10.10 Storing The System Speed Dial Numbers .......... 10–20
GCA70–250 Contents
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