The Citizens Band lies between the shortwave
broadcast and 10-meter Amateur radio bands,
and was established by law in 1949.The Class D
two-way communications service was opened
in 1959. (CB also includes a Class A citizens band
and Class C remote control frequencies.)
FCC Regulations
FCC regulations permit only“transmissions”
(one party to another) rather than“broadcasts”
(to a wide audience).Thus,advertising is not
allowed on CB Channels because that is
FCC Warnings
All transmitter adjustments other than those
supplied by the manufacturer as front panel
operating controls, must be made by,or under
the supervision of,the holder of an FCC-issued
general Radio-Telephone Operator’s License.
Replacement or substitution of transistors,regular
diodes or other parts of a unique nature, with
parts other than those recommended by Cobra,
may cause violation of the technical regulations
of Part 95 of the FCC Rules, or violation of Type
Acceptance requirements of Part 2 of the Rules.
You should read and understand Part 95 (included
with this unit) of the FCC Rules and Regulations,
before operating your Cobra radio, even though
the FCC no longer requires you to obtain an
operator’s license.
What’s Included with Your 29 LTD BT
1. CB transceiver
2. Microphone with
Bluetooth® Button
3. Transceiver bracket
4. Microphone bracket
Cobra Electronics Corporation
6500 West Cortland Street
Chicago,IL 60707 USA
Patent Pending
©2008 Cobra Electronics Corporation
Version B
Printedin China
Operating Instructions for
your Cobra 29 LTD BT
The CB Story
24 hours a day,7days a week.
A Consumer Service Representativecanbe reached at 773-889-3087
8:00 am - 6:00 pm,Monday through Friday,CentralTime.
Technical assistance is alsoavailableon-line inthe Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) section at www.cobra.comor by e-mail to productinfo@cobra.com
If you thinkyou need service call 773-889-3087
“Ifyour productshould requirefactoryserviceplease callCobrafirst before sending your unitin.
Thiswill ensure the fastest turn-aroundtime on your repair.”
Youmay beasked to send your unitto theCobra factory.It will benecessary to furnish the
following in order to have the product serviced and returned.
1. ForWarranty Repair include some form ofproof-of-purchase,such as amechanical reproduction
or carbon or a sales receipt.If you sendthe original receipt it cannotbe returned.
2. Send theentire product.
3. Enclose a description of what is happening with the unit.Include a typed or clearly print name
and address ofwhere the unit is tobe returned.
4. Pack unit securely to prevent damage in transit.If possible,use the original packing material.
5. Ship prepaid andinsured by way ofa traceable carrier suchas United Parcel Service (UPS) or
First Class Mail: to avoid loss intransit to: Cobra Factory Service,Cobra Electronics Corporation,
6500West Cortland Street,Chicago,IL 60707 USA.
6. If theunit isin warranty,upon receipt ofyour unitit willeither be repaired or exchanged
depending on the model.Please allow approximately 3 to 4weeks before contacting usfor
status.If the unit is out ofwarranty aletter willautomatically be sent informing you of the
repair charge orreplacement charge.If you have any questions,please call 773-889-3087
for assistance.
If You Think You Need Service
Cobra®,Dynamike®,Nothing Comes Close toa Cobra® and the snake designare registered
trademarks of Cobra Electronics Corporation,USA.
Cobra Electronics Corporation™ is atrademark of Cobra Electronics Corporation,USA.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logo are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG,Inc.
5. Operating manual
6. DC power cord
(not shown)
7. FCC rules
(not shown)