Error codes
Each function of this library will return the following values as the error code.
Error code Description
1 Dialog box creation error, etc.
3 Transmission file not exist
4 Reception file creation error
5 Communication time-out
7 Reception file write error
8 Communication API error of Windows
This function should be called prior to using the YMODEM library.
When this function is called, the COM port will be initialized to the following default values; 9600
bps, NO PARITY, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. When modifying the communication parameters
including the baud rate, call the SetCommForYMODEM () function after calling this function.
#include "ymodem.h"
short WINAPI _export OpenYMODEM( short nPort )
nPort = COMport number
= 0 Normal termination
= Other Refer to the error code table.