DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 13
3.4 Specifying intercom settings
You can specify intercom-related parameters using
the ‘Settings’ menu. The ‘Settings’ menu is accessed
from the main window, and has two options:
• Ring Tone
• Intercom Activity
3.4.1 Ring Tone
This option allows you to enable or disable an
audible tone that sounds every time an intercom call
is made to the operator. The default state is ‘enabled’.
To disable the tone:
• Select the ‘Settings’ menu and click on ‘Ring
The tick mark (√) will subsequently disappear,
indicating that the ring tone has been disabled.
To turn the ring tone back on:
• Select the ‘Settings’ menu and click on ‘Ring
Tone’ again.
The tick mark (√) will subsequently appear,
indicating that the ring tone has been enabled again.
3.4.2 Logging intercom activity
This option allows you to enable or disable the
logging of all intercom activity. You can also specify
the name of the file where logging information will
be stored. To do so:
• Select the ‘Settings’ menu and click on ‘Intercom
The following dialogue box appears:
Figure 10 The ‘Intercom Activity’ dialogue box
The ‘Logging’ radio buttons allow you to enable or
disable intercom activity logging. The default state is
‘off’. To enable logging:
• Click on the ‘On’ radio button.
A black circle will appear to indicate this option has
been selected.
To disable logging again:
• Click on the ‘Off’ radio button.
The ‘Send To File’ edit field allows you to specify the
destination file of the logging activity. You can enter
a file name, which must be a valid MS-DOS name no
longer than eight characters. To do so:
• Click on the ‘Send To File’ text box.
• Type in the file name.
If you enter an invalid filename and/or location, or
do not enter one at all, a warning message with the
following text is displayed:
‘Invalid filename’
• Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.
You will return to the dialogue box and can enter a
valid filename and/or location.
i Note
The destination file(s) for Intercom activity
logging are located in the DCNNG\Iclog
i Note
It is possible to print an intercom activity file. To
do so, please refer to paragraph 4.3.
Once you have finished specifying all parameters in
the ‘Intercom Activity’ dialogue box:
• Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.
Any changes made will be saved, and you will return
to the main window.
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 January | 9922 141 70371