Interface Control
Issue 5 April 2010 93
L2 tagging ccccccccc Up to 9 ASCII characters:
“on” if NVL2Q = 1
“off” if NVL2Q = 2
“auto: on” if NVL2Q = 0 and 802.1Q
tagging is on
“auto: off” if NVL2Q = 0 and 802.1Q
tagging is off
VLAN ID cccc Up to 4 ASCII characters. Value is
L2QVLAN if 802.1Q tagging is on or
“none” of 802.1Q tagging is off.
IP address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Up to 15 ASCII characters:
IPADD value.
Subnet mask nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Up to 15 ASCII characters:
NETMASK value.
Router nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Up to 15 ASCII characters:
the IP address of the router in use.
File server nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn.nnnnn Up to 21 ASCII characters: IP address
and port of last file server used
successfully during initialization or
“” if no file server was used
Call server nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn.nnnnn Up to 21 ASCII characters: IP address
and port of the call server currently in
use, otherwise “”
802.1X If DOT1X = 0
If DOT1X = 1
If DOT1X = 2
Pass-thru mode.
Pass-thru with Logoff.
Supplicant mode.
Group nnn Up to 3 ASCII numeric characters:
GROUP value.
Table 12: Parameter Values (continued)
Name System Value Format
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