Administering Telephone Options
92 Avaya 1600 Series IP Deskphones Administrator Guide
1. While the telephone is on-hook and idle, press the following sequence of keys on the
faceplate of the telephone:
Mute 8 4 3 9 # (Mute V I E W #)
Note: Press the Mute button momentarily. Do not press this key while pressing other
The following text displays left-justified at the top of the display:
2. Press the * button at any time during viewing to display the next name and system value
pair or filename from Table 12
. The first pair returns after the last pair displays. Values that
cannot display on one line wrap to the next line.
Press the # button at any time during viewing to terminate the procedure and restore the
user interface to its previous state. The names and values display in the following order:
View settings
*=next #=exit
Table 12: Parameter Values
Name System Value Format
Model 16ccDccc Up to 8 ASCII characters: MODEL
Phone SN cccccccccccccccccc Telephone Serial Number, up to 18
ASCII characters.
PWB SN cccccccccccccccccc Printed Wiring Board (circuit board)
Serial Number, up to 18 ASCII
characters. Applies only to 16xx IP
Telephones that have a
software-readable PWB serial number
and comcode.
PWB comcode nnnnnnnnn 9 ASCII numeric characters. Applies
only to 16xx IP Telephones that have a
software-readable PWB serial number
and comcode.
MAC address hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh Each octet of the MAC address displays
as a pair of hexadecimal numbers.
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