Caller ID operation
About names
Names of callers will be displayed only if the information
is provided by your local telephone company.
If the telephone number of the caller matches
an exact number in your directory, the name that
appears on screen will match the name already in
the directory.
Example: If Christine Smith calls, her name will
appear as Chris if this is how it was entered in the
NOTE: The number shown in your caller ID will be in the format
sent by the telephone company. The telephone company usually
delivers ten-digit telephone numbers (area code plus telephone
number). If the telephone number of the person calling does not
exactly match a number in your directory, the name will appear as
delivered by the telephone company. For example if the telephone
company includes the area code and the directory number does
not, the name will appear as delivered by the telephone company.
Missed calls
When a handset is in idle mode with calls un-reviewed,
its screen will show XX MISSED CALLS.
Un-reviewed entries will be counted as missed calls
when the telephone is idle. Each time a call log entry
marked NEW is reviewed, the number of missed calls
decreases by one.
If there are too many missed calls and you don’t want
to review them one by one but still want to keep
them in the call log, press and hold OFF/CLEAR for
four seconds when the handset is idle. All reviewed
entries in the caller ID log will be considered old, and
the counter is reset to 0.
NOTE: XX MISSED CALLS will replace the handset number
HANDSET 1 when the telephone is idle. To see the handset
number temporarily, press OFF/CLEAR.