Timer Start/Fwd button Available only on the 7315H and 7317H display voice
terminals, forwards time related information on the Liquid
Crystal Display when used with Set and Time/Timer Exit
Timer Stop/Rev button Available only on the 7315H and 7317H display voice
terminals, reverses time related information on the Liquid
Crystal Display when used with Set and Time/Timer Exit
Time/Timer Exit button Available only on the 7315H and 7317H display voice
terminals, used with Set, Timer Start/Fwd and Timer
Stop/Rev buttons to save time related information on the
Liquid Crystal Display.
Transfer button For transferring a call to another voice terminal.
Volume control dial Available only on the 7314H, 7315H, 7316H and 7317H,
used to control the volume of the built-in speaker. With a
dial range of 1 to 8, move the dial to 1 for the lowest
volume and 8 for the loudest volume.
Volume control switch Available only on the 7313H, used to control the volume of
the built-in speaker. Slide the switch up away from you
(Hi) for the loudest volume; slide the switch down toward
you (Lo) for the lowest volume.