Aastra 6739i Quick Reference Guide
MX-ONE – Aastra 6739i
Display Language
Change display
Language >
Screen Language
Dial *08*n#
to inform the sytem
about the language
Press Dial
n = language number. Contact the
system administrator.
Change keypad
Language >
Input Language
Time and Date
Set time format: Set Time > Time
Set date format: Set Time > Date
Corporate Directory
The system administrator will most likely have set
CorpDir on a softkey.
Search for a
In Corporate directory, you get
prompted for “Name or Phone:” and
Organization. If you want to search
only by last name, enter e.g. the first
letter of the last name.
If you want to search only by first
name, enter a comma followed by
e.g. the first letter of the first name.
If you want to search by full name,
enter e.g. the first letter of the last
name and then the first letter of the
first name separated by a space.
Then press Enter. The search result
is shown in the form of a list of
names. You can scroll in the list to
the wanted contact.
Call from Corporate
Scroll in the search result list to the
wanted contact and press it to call.
Local Directory
Enter the directory Press the Directory key
Exit the directory or
Call from Directory: In the directory, press the contact
Add a contact to the
In the directory, press the +-sign
softkey and enter the data
Delete contact from
In the directory, press the contact
softkey and then softkey Delete.
Edit contact In the directory, press the contact
softkey and then softkey Edit.
Corporate Directory